God is the Anchor

As 2020 draws to a close, I thank God for His blessing amongst a tumultuous year. As our Source, God took care of my house and I thank Him for his guidance and grace. We have so many things to be thankful for. I remain committed to traveling through “the narrow gate” (Matt 7:13), for it is there that the Lord is found, the blessing of His companionship and the Light to my feet.

Absolute truth is a stubborn thing. Throughout history many have tried to suppress it. Truth however propels itself, it has the ability to overcome an overwhelming onslaught.

The last chapter of my book (written 7 years ago) starts with the following statement:

“I believe that the not too distant future will require more than human wisdom and strength to navigate. Mankind will not be able to depend on their culture for moral guidance.”

In my opinion 2020 has been a year of incredible deception, in many cases needless oppression, the specific unequal targeting of religious groups and most prominently values – calling that what is evil good and good evil.

The truth is available in God’s Word and with Holy Spirit also the ability to perceive and apply it. It is our duty, in a world where the so called fact checkers are most often agenda driven and that agenda being in opposition to God’s principles, truth and priorities of eternal importance.

“The most exciting times in the history of mankind is approaching and Jesus is looking for His followers to be champions.

He shall seduce with flattery those who violate the covenant, but the people who know their God shall stand firm and take action.—Daniel 11:32 “ (For the full chapter 17: https://truthtreasurer.com/live-in-the-spirit/)

Regardless of what 2021 brings, my priority will be to study God’s word and to make sure I am walking along His path, so I can stand firm. God is the anchor in choppy seas.