In Part I we established that although Jesus Christ payed the price for our sins, His sacrifice did not remove the natural consequences of sin on earth. Satan is still out to kill steal and destroy (John 10:10). It would be unwise to navigate life without God’s protection and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Living according to God’s principles, positions us for an abundant life and God’s blessing. Acknowledging and repenting of our sins leads to mercy and forgiveness.
“…for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God…” – Romans 3:23
“Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy” –Proverbs 28:13
God communicated the Ten Commandments to lay down the ground rules that lead to an abundant life. In this second part of the discussion, we will have a look at the first two commandments.
“And God spoke these words, saying…” (Exodus 20)
“You shall have no other gods before me”
The Creator whom is holy and the source of all life, wisdom, knowledge and power opens with a short definitive statement. It contains the catalyst for an enduring life-style and eternal destiny.
We shall have no higher priority in life and acknowledge no higher authority than God.
Not a day should go by without spending time in prayer and reading scripture (getting to know God). God reveals Himself to us in the Bible. Applying the life-principles contained in the Bible leads to a better life. After Jesus’ ascension to heaven, the Father sent the Holy Spirit whom act as counselor to believers. The Spirit of God communicates an even deeper revelation of how God’s principles apply to a believer’s personal life. Allowing the Designer of the universe to guide one’s steps to a fulfilling life makes a lot of sense, doesn’t it?
Without a strong relationship with God, we lack the knowledge and wisdom to ensure that we live according to His principles and receive His blessing. Satan is very good at leading people astray by taking their time hostage. Even being busy with honorable activities has a negative impact on one’s life if it prevents you of spending time with the Father.
Time spent watching TV, practicing a hobby, playing sports, socializing, working at your career or managing non-essential activities need to be assessed. If any of these activities consistently prevent you from spending time in prayer, reading scripture or going to church, the alarm bells should go off. You may well have lost track with the first commandment and could be at risk.
“You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them…”
The second commandment is related to the first, but focus on when we exchange God’s authority in our lives for another entity’s. This substitute for God, influence our actions, thoughts and spiritual orientation. God knows that we are constantly challenged by Satan to reject God (life) for the short-lived worldly accomplishments/pleasures that lead to death. When we experience trails, it can be tempting to look towards worldly idols for superficial excitement and happiness. This may bring short-term relief, until familiarity sets in, but it has no lasting positive impact.
You may wonder why making a carved image of anything in heaven or on earth and bowing before it really matters? By serving another entity you have broken the first commandment. Your connection with the Almighty source of life is experiencing interference.
God is a jealous God and He does not enjoy it, when His people whom He cares for and blesses, cheat on Him. No one enjoys a loved one cheating on them. Those actions lead to consequences. The Bible says God is slow to anger and rich in mercy, but persistence will lead to adverse consequences as a result of God’s blessing being absent in your life.
It is important to understand that carved images, worldly systems, organizations or any part of God’s creation that is worshiped instead of the Creator is sustained by a spiritual force behind it. If it is not good (God), it is evil. There is no in-between – one either serves God or one doesn’t. This is dangerous. Once the spiritual entity grabs hold of your life it is difficult to break free. Even atheism is spiritually promoted.
Entities that many serve in modern culture includes: Money(big one), fame, status, career, celebrities, teenage pop culture (death/zombies , witchcraft, demonic etc. presented as safe and hip), organizations & secret societies, sports teams, sex (fleshly pleasures), substances, comfort, self-interest and even children when elevated above God.
The influence of “other gods” in one’s life can be determined by asking some simple questions. Does any of the above-mentioned frequently influence my thoughts and choices to be in conflict with the principles contained in God’s Word? Do I know what God’s Word advise about the choices I am making? How much money do I spend on hobbies, entertainment, cars, clothing, gadgets etc. and how much on my own spiritual development or performing an act of kindness?
We may not serve carved images that much anymore in the West, but many certainly serve the spirits behind them presented in a modern disguise.
God’s design requires a steady faith in Him alone (whom we can trust) and an ongoing relationship that was made possible through Jesus.
“But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubt is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.” – James 1:6-8
One serves that which is most important to you. It is not possible to serve two masters equally.It only leads to instability.
To be continued….
Have a blessed week.