Please read part one of this two part blog series first.
“I am the door. Whoever enters through Me will be saved.” – John 10:9 (Jesus)
Five years ago God strongly encouraged us to travel to Kentucky to visit the Ark Encounter. We had a powerful experience traveling with God’s guidance, which I shared with my family at the time. This past week, I felt a strong prompting from God to write this story publicly. On Sunday at church, a man with an Ark Encounter T-shirt, swooped in front of us at the church door – it is the right time.
My wife and I decided to fly from Texas to Cleveland Ohio, rent a car, go see the full scale Ark and then drive back up to the Niagara Falls, before flying back to Texas from Cleveland. We had never been to this part of the country before.
Leaving Texas we parked at a long stay airport car park and received ticket no 27 (faith, discernment – part one). At the airport in Cleveland, we picked up the assigned rental car issued with serial number XX27. Driving through Cincinnati we took the exit to take us to Florence Kentucky, the sign included route 127. We planned to overnight in Florence, before traveling to the Ark Encounter.

The next morning I put our destination in the map app, it showed 27 min and 27 miles. We stopped in the Ark Encounter car park with XXX27 miles on the odometer. We boarded the next bus that arrived to take us from the car park to the Ark, it was bus no 7.

I do explain why the numbers 7 and 27 are important and repetitive in my relationship with God in my book Ever Present Communicator. The book published 2014, detailed my testimony, revelation of God and faith. Nine years later I believe an agnostic but objective observer, would acknowledge that what I wrote in 2014 and continue to witness to this day, would be statistically impossible to explain as a matter of chance.
It was incredible to see the full size Ark replica (from Biblical measurements) first-hand. Touring the Ark was fascinating and seeing the mechanics in a vessel, that most would like to believe is a myth, was revealing.
The most precious of all was when we arrived at the location of the two large doors in the side of the Ark.
“…and put the door in the side of the Ark” – Genesis 6:16
The door was illuminated with a large light shining a bright cross on the door. You see, Jesus is our door to God and heaven. Just like the ark saved Noah and his family, Jesus will save those who believe in Him and ask for forgiveness of their sins. This enables those who were forgiven to spend eternity with God.
“Enter the Ark, you and your whole family, for I have found you righteous before Me in this generation…So Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives went into the Ark because of the waters of the flood.” – Genesis 7:1,7
“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” – John 14:6 (Jesus)
In the time of Noah, the people of the world turned their backs on God and scoffed at Him, until the rain started coming down. Noah lived in a sinful society that completely rejected God and their seed (DNA) was corrupted. Since that time Jesus Christ died to pay for the sins of man and rose again to intercede for us at the throne of God.
For a time the developed world implemented God’s principles and experienced a period of making great strides until it moved away from God again, trusting in it’s own wisdom. A society driven by order and faith have been replaced by one steered by upheaval and fear once again. Now in 2023 the world at large finds itself in the same state as in the days of Noah, with the attempts of genetic re-engineering of humans and animals being normalized. The seed of God’s design is being corrupted regardless of the intent.
“Just as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man” – Luke 17: 26-30
Jesus Christ will return and the world will be judged once again. Those whom have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior will be saved.
God’s “Ark door” is still open, but not much time remain to make up your mind. If you have not accepted Jesus as your Lord or have strayed from God, pray this prayer and find a Bible believing church family in your area to get to know God.
As we left the Ark Encounter and set the GPS to Niagara Falls, our GPS map showed 7 hr 20 min. The reverse of 27. God confirmed, The Ark Encounter was the center point of our short journey.

Have a blessed week.
Post Script (for the sleuths):
In part one I explained the significance of 717 in my journey. In 2020, my friend sent me a video clip relating 717 to the end times in connection with Strong’s Concordance commentary of the Bible. Now, working on this blog I discovered that we crossed paths already in 2017, with the verse reference on a plaque next to the Ark doors. Pardon the blurry picture.

In addition, the photo number on my phone was “IMG2929”. 29 being the number my friend have identified as one of the methods that God speaks to him. Again…. time is short. (Remember, numbers in itself means nothing without Holy Spirit confirmation. I depend on 3 confirmations)
God created you as an intelligent human-being made to get to know Him. Decide for yourself, but regardless of the time-frame you believe we are in, make sure you are ready now and have access to the door. Tomorrow is not a given for any of us.