When you read the book you’ll discover that the numbers 27 and also 47 have major parts to play in the journey.
The Kindle e-book that was published first, contained 227 pages (6″ x 9″) at completion of the content chapters before merge. The first chapter merge into a single book contained 127 pages and was 127 KB at close of business. (the page and KB match was a once-off event)
The Kindle e-book that was released first is assigned with an ISBN that ends in 2-7. The 3rd (Trinity) in a random block of 10 numbers issued by the agent.
Even though the first upload of the Kindle version was completed at 11pm on 26th November, it is registered in the management system as submitted on 27th November. The store indicate published on the 26th but the management system retains – submitted the 27th – the deadline that I believe God gave me. (An unexpected phone call from a friend delayed completion by an hour pushing the book into the next day on the receiving server time zone.)
Original draft of the key chapter “Protocol Definition” was completed on the 7th at 5:27 p.m
The vehicles described in this book was listed in an article that I read the day after I finished chapter “Forty Seven”. They were ranked no 1 and 2 for car of the year 2014. My friend arrived with ‘the rental car’, as described in the book, a few days later at my home. It was unusual since he normally rents larger vehicles.One of my friend’s work colleagues had a strange encounter with a mystery man involving “Christ donkeys”. He relayed the story the same week when I completed chapter “Forty Seven” – involving a donkey and its little known accolades. Instant messages with key comments in editing the book registered at 27 mins and 47 mins past the hour.
The first book (proof) printed was invoiced for $27.30 , yet the bank account charge was $27.27. About a week later an e-mail from a representative informed that they have to charge an additional 3 cents to the bank card to make their books balance. The original charge for $27.27 remains on the date of purchase.The screen capture from the following video related to chapter “Fourty Seven” was displayed as 27KB in my e-mail inbox. It did not make the book. Here it is.